Executive Management (DE)

      The Executive Directorate shall be the administrative and operational organ of the Organisation. Endowed with a functional and financial autonomy, it shall provide strategic and operational advice and support to other AFROSAI organs. Its activities shall be supervised by the Secretary General.

        The responsibilities of this Directorate have been grouped and classified by functions and sub-functions, namely :

  • the strategic function comprising the sub-functions : “Monitoring, evaluation and reports of Strategic Plan activities” and “Planning, innovation and reforms” ;
  • the administrative function with the following sub-functions : “General Administration”, “Human Resources”, “Management Control”, “Communication and Webmaster”;
  • the finance and accounting function comprising the sub-functions : “Management control” and “Accounting”.

           The Executive Directorate shall be headed by an Executive Director.

Financial Regulations

   AFROSAI's Financial Regulations were adopted in October 2017, at the 52nd AFROSAI Steering Committee meeting, held in Windhoek, Namibia. It sets the conditions for the preparation, adoption, execution and control of the execution of the budget of AFROSAI. It also defines its structure and content.

 Français English 
Organizational Structure of the Executive Management